Multivibrator as a state machine
It's pretty hard to imagine, but a multivibrator is one of the most common terms used in the electronic world. How many times did you use a PWM signal to control the rotational speed of a DC motor? Did you ever think about a CPU clock generator? Well, a PWM signal as well as the CPU clock generator belongs to the class of a multivibrator. In this blog post, you will see that a multivibrator is a square wave generator modeled by a state machine. Multivibrator classes There are three types of multivibrators. Classification is related to a state stability. But, before I continue with the classification, I would like to say a few words about nature of a multivibrator. A multivibrator is a state machine with two discrete states and a two transitions in between. Generally speaking, with a two states and a two transitions we are able to construct a three different types of a multivibrators independent of an implementation: monostable multivibrator bistable multivibrator and a...